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Sets, Relations, & Functions

Functions A relation ‘f’ is said to be a function, if every element of a non-empty set X, has only one image or range to a non-empty set Y.


If ‘f’ is the function from X to Y and (x,y) ∊ f, then f(x) = y, where y is the image of x, under function f and x is the preimage of y, under ‘f’. It is denoted as;

f: X → Y.

Example: N be the set of Natural numbers and the relation R be defined as;

R = {(a,b) : b=a2, a,b ∈ N}. State whether R is a relation function or not.

Solution: From the relation R = {(a,b) : b=a2, a,b ∈ N}, we can see for every value of natural number, their is only one image. For example, if a=1 then b =1, if a=2 then b=4 and so on.

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