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Block Diagram


Basic components to construct a LASER system Active or gain medium Pumping Optical Resonator or cavity

Applications of Lasers Laser light is different from an ordinary light. It has various unique properties such as coherence, monochromaticity, directionality (image-4), and high intensity. Because of these unique properties, lasers are used in various applications. The most significant applications of lasers include: Lasers in medicine Lasers in communications Lasers in industries Lasers in science and technology Lasers in military Lasers in Medicine Lasers are used for bloodless surgery. To destroy kidney stones. In cancer diagnosis and therapy. For eye lens curvature corrections. Used in fiber-optic endoscope to detect ulcers in the intestines. To remove tumors successfully. To remove the caries or decayed portion of the teeth. Lasers are used in cosmetic treatments such as acne treatment, cellulite and hair removal. Lasers in Communications Laser light is used in optical fiber communications to send information over large distances with low loss. Laser light is used in underwater communication networks. Lasers are used in space communication, radars and satellites. Lasers in Industries Lasers are used to cut glass and quartz. Lasers are used in electronic industries for trimming the components of Integrated Circuits (ICs). Lasers are used for heat treatment in the automotive industry. Ultraviolet lasers are used in the semiconductor industries for photolithography. Photolithography is the method used for manufacturing printed circuit board (PCB) and microprocessor by using ultraviolet light. Lasers in Science and Technology A laser helps in studying the Brownian motion of particles. With the help of a helium-neon laser, it was proved that the velocity of light is same in all directions. With the help of a laser, it is possible to count the number of atoms in a substance. Lasers are used in computers to retrieve stored information from a Compact Disc (CD). Lasers are used to store large amount of information or data in CD-ROM. Lasers are used to measure the pollutant gases and other contaminants of the atmosphere. Lasers helps in determining the rate of rotation of the earth accurately. Lasers are used in computer printers & for producing three-dimensional pictures in space without the use of lens. Lasers are used for detecting earthquakes and underwater nuclear blasts. A gallium arsenide diode laser can be used to setup an invisible fence to protect an area. Lasers in Military Laser range finders are used to determine the distance to an object.

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